
How I Learned To Love Phoenix By Flirting With Seattle

How I Learned To Love Phoenix By Flirting With Seattle

A visit to Seattle reminds our writer about what's REALLY great about living in Phoenix.
Things We Learned At Lounge And Learn

Things We Learned At Lounge And Learn

One thing we learned: humans have two brains: the mind brain, which is normally occupied with when's lunch and what's on tv and then there's the sex brain, which is located in the navel and is focused on, well, you know.
Check Out NXOEED's 'Creeps' at Lost Leaf This Month

Check Out NXOEED’s ‘Creeps’ at Lost Leaf This Month

'This show will not puncture you with thorns or leave you smelling like compost, so there's that.'
Kraftwerk in Phoenix Blurred My Perception of Reality

Kraftwerk in Phoenix Blurred My Perception of Reality

Several people informed me of the particular hallucinogens they were on, completely unsolicited. Appropriate, but I can attest it was not a prerequisite—this show can mindfuck you just fine without psychedelics.
'The Last Phoenician' — Imagining Phx Lovecraft-Style

‘The Last Phoenician’ — Imagining Phx Lovecraft-Style

In the heart of this arid cradle once sprawled a city: a network of glass and steel that dared to defy the tyrant sun's will. Yet there came a time when the weeping earth did swallow all of mankind and its arrogance, while the great solar eye watched unblinking.
Loving the Blemish

Loving the Blemish

True to its perfect name, Phoenix is a risen city, one destined to destroy itself ad nauseum. Living here is pure defiance, not only to nature, but to reason.
Three Birds In Flight or The Pied Piper of Roosevelt Row?

Three Birds In Flight or The Pied Piper of Roosevelt Row?

Whenever a natural disaster comes, the animals are the first to flee. Maybe the caged bird sings because ‘Merica?
Why Summer in Phoenix is the Season that Every Fat Girl Dreads

Why Summer in Phoenix is the Season that Every Fat Girl Dreads

My first summer in Phoenix, I just about killed myself because I insisted on wearing jeans and cardigans. I made myself so uncomfortable in hopes that I would make strangers more comfortable by not having to look at me.
Mrs. Magician Bewitches Their Way into the Valley

Mrs. Magician Bewitches Their Way into the Valley

Bassist Jordan Clark delicately and smoothly bumps out a sweet bassline—he practically makes listeners feel like they’re gingerly hovering.
Why Arizona Prop 123 Is Really Friggin Important

Why Arizona Prop 123 Is Really Friggin Important

It's really important that you vote in the election, as this prop (whether it succeeds or fails) will have a tremendous effect on the next batch of young Arizona students.