Soft Shoulder, Silver Apples, And The Sweet Sound Of Entropy
This week on "Rock Blotter": We let Soft Shoulder's "Songs and Intermissions" punch a hole in our eardrums.

Fetal Pink Rolls Us Up In A Ball Of Sound Like A Druggy Katamari
This week's Rock Blotter dives deep into the death rock sounds of Fetal Pink.

Sunn Trio’s New Album Is The Perfect Soundtrack For Chasing Mirages
This week on ROCK BLOTTER we take a look at Sunn Trio's free jazzy new album. A blend of jazz, noise, psychedelia, and world music, it's one of the raddest local LPs we've heard this year.

Outer Space is Hosting a Open Synth/Noise Jam
Featuring, the Chaos System, which is the only bass setup I've personally seen cause a wood floor to produce sine waves.

How I Learned To Love Phoenix By Flirting With Seattle
A visit to Seattle reminds our writer about what's REALLY great about living in Phoenix.