New Grand Avenue Records Is A Beacon of Hope
Grand Avenue and Roosevelt hasn't had much luck in the past year: the Trunk Space moved, Reyna's Dollar Store is no more, and the business that took its place didn't quite last six months. The Bikini Lounge alone stands its drunken vigil over the chaos, offering us cherries soaked in Everclear to help the emptiness...

¡Hasta Nunca Arpaio!: Rob McElwain on Painting Protest Signs and Bringing Friction to the Status Quo
"It's not just about Arpaio. It is about indifference and responsibility. You can't be passive. You know the definition of crazy? Doing same thing and expecting different results. My message is, you can't just show up at major protests [...] and hope for change. The establishment has that shit covered."

Lawn Gnome Lifts Off With Nik Turner’s Hawkwind
I would have never guessed that legendary space-rocker Nik Turner would bring his silver spaceship in for a pit stop at Lawn Gnome Publishing. In a crimson-trimmed gray blazer fit for a high-ranking space admiral, Nik Turner took to the stage with his band. Armed with a flute and saxophone, he screeched and noodled, narrated...

Andrew W.K.’s Lecture Brought Phoenix The Party and… Group Therapy?
When you party into the abyss, the abyss parties into you. When I arrived at the corner of 4th Avenue and Monroe on Monday night, I had little idea of what to expect from the one called Andrew W.K. and his travelling lecture on the "Power of Partying"...

‘The Last Phoenician’ — Imagining Phx Lovecraft-Style
In the heart of this arid cradle once sprawled a city: a network of glass and steel that dared to defy the tyrant sun's will. Yet there came a time when the weeping earth did swallow all of mankind and its arrogance, while the great solar eye watched unblinking.