Patrician Pop-Punk Plays on the Politically Correct in ‘Love is Like A Stabbing Pain’ by Andy Warpigs
Hey, happy valentine's day! This year our proverbial 'box of chocolates' comes in the form of this brand spankin' new Andy Warpigs video. What's it about? I don't fucking know, you tell me....

Rock Blotter — “no (rugs)” by PinesofTorrey is Chill-Out Music Incarnate
Their debut album is chill-out music incarnate, a harmonious mix of funk, jazz, and post-trip hop. Bouncy keys and bass brings the funk, while low and mellow vocals — both sampled and those of Torrey and Amanda — overlay the beats.

U2, “The Joshua Tree”, and the myth of America
Last night we saw U2 play "The Joshua Tree" in Glendale. Here's our thoughts on their trip down memory lane.

Soft Shoulder, Silver Apples, And The Sweet Sound Of Entropy
This week on "Rock Blotter": We let Soft Shoulder's "Songs and Intermissions" punch a hole in our eardrums.

Willetta Conjures Spirits With Their Ghostly “Frisson” EP
For this edition of Rock Blotter, we listen to the ghostly sounds of Willetta's "Frisson" EP.

Fetal Pink Rolls Us Up In A Ball Of Sound Like A Druggy Katamari
This week's Rock Blotter dives deep into the death rock sounds of Fetal Pink.

Kendrick Lamar Pulled The Stars Down From The Sky In Phoenix
Kendrick Lamar's DAMN. Tour kicked off on Wednesday night in Phoenix. PHX SUX was there to witness King Kendrick showing us all why he deserves to wear the rap crown.

koleżanka Hooks Us With “bury me”
For this edition of Rock Blotter, we take a look at koleżanka's quietly cosmic "bury me".

Andy Warpigs Debuts Video for NEET, Tackles Late-Capitalist Alienation
As much as I’ve seen of “Welcome to the NHK,” it’s the story of a ‘NEET’ in training, or what they call a hikikimori in Japan. Which is someone who stays home and doesn’t necessarily have a stable job or income. They are people who don’t leave the house for anything more than groceries or...