Lav Andula Makes Music For Necromancers To Chill Out To
Noise music, cheesy dance pop, and the Star Wars Expanded Universe collide in this week's Rock Blotter as we listen to Lav Andula.

Peelander-Z Made Every Band In The World Look Lazy Last Night
I’ve never felt more relieved not to be a musician than after seeing Peelander-Z live tonight at Valley Bar. Walking away after the show, with my ears still ringing, my mind was reeling from the utterly unhinged spectacle that the color-coded quartet had just put on. They had set the performance bar so incredibly high...

Trunk Space, Four Chambers, & nueBOX Pull Off A Menage Art Trois At Mesa Arts Center
The Trunk Space, Four Chambers Press, and nueBOX got together on Sunday night to put on an evening of interdisciplinary experimental art in Mesa. Our correspondent went down to see how their evening of dance, theater, and spoken word turned out.