The Tempe Sitting Ordinance Protest Proved Mill Ave Sux
Maybe you've heard about this bullshit ordinance Tempe passed that makes it illegal to sit on the sidewalk. This is a bill that is quite clearly targeted toward homeless people, because, well, no one else sits on the sidewalk really.

Scenes from the Naked Pizza Reunion Show
When Naked Pizza used to gig—and they used to gig hard—they were legendary. We can't disclose any of the insane details of some of their past shows ('cuz we ain't snitches) but anyway...

Guns, Tuition, & Fear: Considering an International Student Perspective
The international students I teach were scared. These horrific murders would scare anyone, but imagine confronting these realities as an outsider here, without a support system and with little understanding of why this keeps happening in the country you’ve chosen to call home for four years … Why do we always choose the easiest path...

Five Reasons Why Arizona Should Drain Tempe Town Lake
If dumping nearly a billion gallons of water into a dirt lot is the same thing as creating a 'lake,' why can't we plant a bunch of wilting trees there and call it a rainforest?