Is your band renting a rehearsal space in Arizona? You may very well be renting from a white nationalist or Nazi sympathizer. Check to see where your money is really going.
This is James Koza, owner and operator of “Band Oasis Rehersal Studio.” Short of stealing his business name from a bedroom store, this creative genius likes to rake in the bucks exploiting apartment dwelling musicians. On his downtime, he likes to condescend to black people and slander Martin Luther King Jr. If I where you, I’d think twice about paying him for anything… also he has a goddamn Hitler Mustache! Maybe the fucker just likes Charlie Chaplin, we don’t know…
Claims about Minds Eye Studio have been refuted, as the person in question does not stand by racist comments that were allegedly posted to his wall against his will by a third party. He submitted this bad ass music video as evidence of how non-racist he is. That is how you handle controversy.